Hymos CPS
Startup incubata: Hymos Dynamics S.r.l.
Profili di Ricerca: Digital Twin, System Dynamics, Cyber Physical Systems (C.P.S.), tecnologie di processo ecosostenibili.
Sintesi del progetto:
Hymos CPS (HYbrid MOdelling and supervisory control System) è una piattaforma tecnologica per l’implementazione di sistemi cyber-fisici (CPS cyber physical systems) nel settore ambientale e dell’industria di processo. Hymos è una piattaforma composta da un simulatore dinamico di tipo ibrido, integrato con un sistema di controllo distribuito del processo, realizzato con tecnologie IOT. Grazie all’utilizzo di nuove tecnologie abilitanti si pone alla frontiera tecnologica relativamente ai limiti degli attuali simulatori di processo e degli strumenti e sistemi di controllo attualmente utilizzati nell’industria.
Executive Summary:
Hymos (Hybrid Modelling and Supervisory Control System) is a technology for Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) implementation in Environmental and process Sector. Hymos technology has been designed to be embedded with computational and intelligent power and so to be “smart” both in production and utilization phases. Unlike traditional SCADA-DCS technologies designed for deterministic control of engineered systems, HYMOS CPS is a dynamically reorganizing control system, with high degree of automation and reconfiguring capabilities at different temporal scales. These capabilities are necessary to manage a partially controllable working environment such as environmental systems, that show both continuous-evolution behaviour and run-time emerging behaviour. HYMOS CPS platform is the next generation of engineered systems for behavioural modelling, with tight integration of computing, communication and control technologies to achieve stability, performance, reliability and efficiency in dealing with complex physical systems, allowing new business sector and smaller players to capture value.